There is no growth without real feeling. Children not loved for who they are do not learn how to love themselves. Their growth is an exercise in pleasing others, not in expanding through experience. As adults, they must learn to nurture their own lost child.” ― Marion Woodman |
Navigating relationships can be tricky, but ultimately relationship wisdom is innate, and I'm happy to help you unearth those parts of yourself. Relational trauma can cause emotional regulation difficulties, difficulty forming or keeping relationships, difficulty trusting others, feelings of shame, feelings of inadequacy, trouble deciding if a relationship should be left or stayed in, feelings of taking up too much or too little space in relationships/the world, etc.
One type of relational trauma that is fairly common, but not well known is Childhood Emotional Neglect. Childhood Emotional Neglect occurs when parents either lack emotional maturity themselves or when they have other difficulties that block them from validating or acknowledging their child's emotions. In some cases emotional neglect can involve shaming the child for having emotional needs. Adults who have experienced this in their childhood often have difficulty identifying their emotions, regulating their emotions, forming and maintaining relationships, and sometimes form various other maladaptive behaviors such as addictions, eating disorders, etc. Experiencing relational trauma, and its aftermath can feel shameful, hopeless, daunting, depressing, anxiety producing, and lonely. Together we can help you to foster stronger connections between you and your internal experience so that you can be more comfortable and stable in your current and future relationships. Resources: Women in Depth: Childhood Emotional Neglect Podcast Episode: Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA Meetings- meant for anyone who grew up in dysfunction, not just with an alcoholic parent): |